Suggestions are always welcome when it comes to expanding our collection of materials! If you can’t find what you’re looking for in our catalog, please feel free to contact us with your suggestions!

Or download the Monarch2Go app from the App Store (iOS users) or Google Play (Android users).

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Borrow ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines to read on your phone or tablet using the Libby app by OverDrive. You can even send and read your borrowed ebooks to your Kindle ereader (U.S. only)! It’s free and easy to get started for new users and a streamlined experience for current OverDrive app users. Learn more at
If you currently use the legacy OverDrive app and need assistance, visit OverDrive Help.

With hoopla, there are no holds or waiting! All borrowed content may be enjoyed while connected to the Internet or Wi-Fi by streaming. On a mobile device, borrowed content may be temporarily downloaded and accessed offline.
We love this service. It is easy to use and provides instant access (again, with no holds or waiting!) to the titles you want when you want them. As a library cardholder, you may borrow up to 10 titles per month.
To register for and enjoy hoopla digital for free with your library card, please download the hoopla digital app from the Apple or Google Play store on your mobile device. If you are using a computer, visit